Ni$e-T biography
Ni$e-T's real name: Anastasia Gorbunova (Kurash)
Date of birth: 25/11/1990
She went to music school at the age of 6. Choral singing was an “A”, but the realization that she could sing even better served as an impetus for a greater desire and desire to sing more forcefully.
Her dream since childhood was to master pop vocals and subsequently perform with her own group.
Until 2012: solo performances, duets at various events, assistance in organizing and conducting thematic music parties, and many others. And it was in the summer of 2012 that fate worked out in such a way that close communication with RAPsody and acquaintance with Dagoth made her dream even closer to realization. At that time Nastya was even more inspired by the work of Eurodance and spent a lot of time in the studio. In 2013 she left a group and went into photography and neuropsychology.